Thursday 26 January 2012

Hypocrisy or National Integrity ?

Hypocrisy or National Integrity ?
More the 100 people lost their lives due to production of fake medicines or some people say expired medicines in PIC(Punjab Institute of Cardiology) , Religious Extremism is at its peak , Hafiz Saeed the leader of a banned outfit is rallying in various cities of Punjab along with other banned outfits such as Sipah Sahaba and minorities are being threatened by these outfits to stop practicing , openly in cities as in Rawalpindi , JUD(Jamaat u Dawa) has decorated the city with banners and posters and are inviting citizens to strike against Mosque of Ahmadi Jammat in Satellite town Rawalpindi . In major cities like Lahore Most of Auto Rickshaws are advertising the hatred campaign against India sponsored by JUD. All Punjab Government can do is that they can ban concerts to cope with growing extremism and radicalism in Punjab and they can provide full proof security to Mansoor Ijaz , if he visits Pakistan , but what about people who use their provided expired medicines and lose their lives ?
 Recently Three Shia lawyers were killed in Karachi after three members of Sipah Sahaba were killed. In Quetta they are killing people upon sectarian differences on regular basis , Point is our agencies know everything as they claim , they can track Hussain Haqqani’s and Mansoor Ijaz’s memos , they can yell as loud as they can on Shahadat of Soldiers by America by calling it as “Attack on Sovereignty and National Integrity” but what about these innocent people ? Who get killed every day, and leave the agencies every kid knows who kill them. Where is the inquiry report of Dr Bakir’s death? Where is inquiry report of killing of Hazara Tribe people in Baluchistan? Lahskar e Jhangvi claimed responsibility, and leader of Lashkar e Jhangvi was also arrested on charges of planning bomb blast on Shia Sect Procession but he was released very soon and raised signs of victory. It’s ironic when no one speaks on rapidly growing hold of banned outfits, for which purpose they are being used? Everyone knows who was involved in making these radical outfits .Pakistan Army is operating bravely in tribal areas against extremists and miscreants, but what about extremist miscreants who are active in major cities mostly of Punjab? Then we talk about foreign allegations related to producing terrorism, when thousands of people gather on a call of banned outfit in major cities and chant slogans against India, America and after this they decorate cities with banners spreading hatred against other sects then what whole world will say about us? So all we can do is , we can follow Quaid’s philosophy and “Unity , Faith and Discipline” , As long as we act like hypocrites and conduct operations against selective people and support selective groups for political goal scorings we cannot achieve anything but destruction.
Syed Foaad Hassan
Bureau Chief (Weekly Education Informer)

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