Thursday 13 February 2014

“Corporate Slavery” An Advertiser’s voice

By Syed Foaad Hassan, Lahore based journalist and publicist,  Associated with Lowe and Partners Worldwide, MS in Advertising and PR from Beaconhouse National University
Advertising Industry is the most neglected one in Pakistan as compared to other industries. No one ever talk about conditions of employees there. Yeah we speak for labors, Government employees, sportsmen or media workers in-fact everyone but no one highlights issues of employees working in an advertising agency or services industry.
Yes most of them are educated they don’t protest like everyone else and soul of capitalism, race to earn more and more have slayed life and human inside them. They are not special or different from a common man but their work load and stress don’t allow them write or raise voice and in most of the cases they are afraid of their “Saiths” (feudal) and losing their job because unemployment in Pakistan is increasing like terrorism in Pakistan, I think if we focus towards reason for unemployment then we can understand causes of target killings, suicides, street crime and this rapid increase in terrorism. Every developed or developing country makes sure that employees work eight hours a day not more than that or in other cases if they work more than that they get paid for it (as per hourly wage) or they get holiday for their late sittings or some other incentives.
Coming towards my point, Most of the Advertising agencies in Pakistan force their workers to work day and night or even during weekends, moreover multinational agencies like Lowe and Partners worldwide, Ogilvy and Mathers, Publicis group and IAL Saatchi etc. are involved in it. They always have a simple response to your complain, if you can’t work 12-14 hours straight because you are in a services industry then why don’t you quit?, So tell me under these circumstances who will put his job at risk?
Most of the clients of these agencies are multi-national companies like Nestle,, Coca Cola and local or international Telecom companies and they make their partner agencies to deliver whenever they want. For proof you all can talk to any employee of an ad agency. Can anyone tell me does Nestle or Coke follow same model for their own employees globally in their own offices? The reason people still prefer MNCs is that they pay on time while if we talk about local advertising agencies with local clients like Government, they don’t even pay their employees on time and they work day and night even on Sundays. If any agency refuse to deliver after working hours than due to lot of competition in the market ,Employers are afraid of losing business.
So our conditions are worse than Asian labors in Middle East or anyone else, we have to come on time but never know when we’ll be back home. When you reach home your clients bug you by calling and sending emails, you don’t even get sound sleep. CEOs and directors are all businessmen, they have studied business, organization behavior and everything but their “Saith” (feudal) mentality makes them an ignorant. When you don’t get little piece of peace and satisfaction in your life, all you getting is stress then how can you keep your home happy? How can you make your work place peaceful? It eventually disturbs everything and you become a monster, taking pills to sleep, using drugs etc.  It’s really difficult to work under these conditions and you don’t even get paid or additional holidays for late sittings. I don’t know where I can raise voice for advertisers, which is the concerned authority? Is there anything like labor laws and employee rights in Pakistan? I didn’t know after specialization in advertising and public relations I will get trapped under this worst corporate slavery.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Hurdles in the way of a "Moderate Pakistani"

The day when Salaman Taseer , Governor Punjab was murdered by self-confessed Mumtaz Qadri  and Qadri was praised by  most of Pakistanis even in courts and bars he was welcomed with flowers etc  , No one condemned this act of Qadri except few liberals and the  judge who passed judgment against Qadri had to flew abroad and the day when no one condemned murder of Shahbaz Bhatti were nightmares for liberals , creative artists , advertisers and human rights activists . Pakistan is again going towards a theocratic State as it was during Zia’s regime. When federal ministers and Governors are not free to speak and cannot practice their freedom of speech then who will dare to speak with freedom and express himself? When movie Khuda Kay Liye was being advertised, Mullahs set on fire dvd shops and posters, why? Because thinking presented in that movie was opposite to thinking of common Mullah in Pakistan. In Pakistan Advertisers have to think thousands of times before they execute their idea. We have mixed culture of sub-continent and traditions with our religion so everything which is new in society, people don’t accept it and relate it with blasphemy and mark it as against the teachings of Religion. Due to lot of criticism AIDS ads were banned and ads of products that prevent aids were banned.
In country children are brain washed at school level, hate is a subject to be taught in our schools and colleges, A fifth grader questions about different sects, gender discrimination and religious issues, While taking admissions you have to declare your sect even, so when misinterpreted religion by Mullahs is being practiced everywhere and is involved in everything then how someone can speak, think or wonder? It limits creativity of children; they live among stereotypes of society and are afraid of blasphemy while expressing their idea or vision. An artist has no boundaries and ethnicities, he/she thinks above from this level ,So we are killing the artists, journalists and scientists inside a young one , because he is afraid of society , he is afraid of laws against freedom of speech .
Other big hurdle is feudal culture , Feudal in different areas don’t allow their public to watch television , read newspaper even to get education so how an advertiser will convey his message to them ? They don’t allow anyone to build schools there. People are being ruled by them like people bowed to Pharaohs.
Other main issue is corruption at every level and feudal mind sets of general public, people who are sitting on chairman seats still think that they are superior from others and they approve what they want and disapprove what they want. Gatekeepers are not replaced by young, energetic and educated people so it’s a hurdle. Their mindsets are bit backward and new generation thinks in a different way so clash of generation occurs and their ideas are not approved and youngsters get demoralized.
In our society woman is considered as a marketing tool and unfortunately I feel ashamed to say this she is used as a “disposable” product and a usable item so when you talk about fashion industry how can you justify it in this society ? When a woman is involved in Wantonness she is always guilty why a man involved with her is not corrupt or guilty? Why always woman is killed in the name of honor? If you talk about Islam, Islam always suggests same punishment for men and women who are involved in any wrong act. It is a common observation that men and women who works for television or if they are singers and models even if they work for stage theatres they are always degraded in our society and people call them with derogatory terms and those terms are now considered as abuse in society . Like when “black” and “nigger” were used as a derogatory terms and they were made to be inferior terms and they depict inferiority same is the case with the terms used for singers and actors in our society So due to these social taboos families and parents don’t allow their kids to study art , media and singing , according to them it’ll reduce their honor in family and society , no one marry those girls who are models and work for entertainment media . Killing woman and burying them alive in Baluchistan was never condemned like marathon race in Lahore was condemned in Punjab during Gen Musharaf’s era , Acid throwing cases are never condemned , killing one’s mother and sisters are never condemned , killing whole families along with little children , killing one’s three year old daughter , raping 10 years old girl is never condemned but Salman Taseer’s comments about minority rights are seriously condemnable in this society , If Ahmadis worship then it is also a condemnable act and it hurt feelings of Mullahs and according to them every Muslim but killing Shia’s in buses ,targeting them andtaking them out from buses never hurt feelings of Mullahs , If Veena Malik works for an Indian show it ‘ll hurt feelings of whole Pakistan but When Tasleem Solangi a girl from Baluchistan who was killed by hounds of feudal was condemned like Veena Malik’s acts ? Or like advertisements to prevent AIDS? Or like Geo TV’s campaign for Women rights during Musharraf era? Answer is a simple “NO” but who cares in Pakistan where everyone is a true Muslim and his feelings get hurt when his women work in fields, when he see billboards and watch commercials endorsing women and commercials of sanitary napkins and AIDS preventing drugs and items but he will never condemn honor killing of women and  religious persecution etc.
Culture of hatred in society caused all this mess , if we don’t like anyone or any act and if we think that it is wrong in religion then we always try to impose our interpreted religion on others , we always hate those people who disagree with us and who have different point of view and then we teach hatred to our children and then the cycle moves on and generations come out which hate those people who have different thoughts and point of views , we never teach our youngsters to compromise and accept opposite views , we impose our interpretation on others and this thing is spoiling our society and people don’t accept anything about which they are brain washed by specific Mullahs . We should welcome opposite viewpoints and should have discussions and peaceful negotiations without declaring anyone “Kaafir” and miscreant and without teaching our children to hate him/her or to hate a specific group. “Swords can win territories but not hearts , Force can bend heads but not minds “ so if someone thinks that dancing , singing , modeling is against Islamic values then he should teach those people or peaceful discussions with them instead of killing them or creating a culture of hating those people  , By adopting culture of “Hatred” and derogation of people we don’t like we have killed our society and we have killed “Human inside us , We cannot even compare ourselves to animals even they are not like us , when a lion finish his hunger he don’t attack.
Our major concerns about living should be within our homes not to other’s homes and how others spend their lives , If we think that some acts are wrong then we should not do it except hating everyone who is doing that and spreading hatred against him/her.
When Religion is mixed with personal traditions and cultures then it make things wrong, No religion teaches Hatred and to kill others, we should teach religion or morality but not impose. So the reason models, advertisers and artists face difficulties in this society is due to ‘Lack of Moral Courage” and culture of “Hatred” among us and misinterpretation of Religion and imposing our misinterpreted Religion on everyone. If culture of “Hatred” is abolished from society then it can also solve other problems too, No one will feel insecure and inferior in this society. As Nelson Mandela said “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin and his background or his religion. People must learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love or love comes more naturally to the human hearts than its opposite”

Thursday 26 January 2012

Hypocrisy or National Integrity ?

Hypocrisy or National Integrity ?
More the 100 people lost their lives due to production of fake medicines or some people say expired medicines in PIC(Punjab Institute of Cardiology) , Religious Extremism is at its peak , Hafiz Saeed the leader of a banned outfit is rallying in various cities of Punjab along with other banned outfits such as Sipah Sahaba and minorities are being threatened by these outfits to stop practicing , openly in cities as in Rawalpindi , JUD(Jamaat u Dawa) has decorated the city with banners and posters and are inviting citizens to strike against Mosque of Ahmadi Jammat in Satellite town Rawalpindi . In major cities like Lahore Most of Auto Rickshaws are advertising the hatred campaign against India sponsored by JUD. All Punjab Government can do is that they can ban concerts to cope with growing extremism and radicalism in Punjab and they can provide full proof security to Mansoor Ijaz , if he visits Pakistan , but what about people who use their provided expired medicines and lose their lives ?
 Recently Three Shia lawyers were killed in Karachi after three members of Sipah Sahaba were killed. In Quetta they are killing people upon sectarian differences on regular basis , Point is our agencies know everything as they claim , they can track Hussain Haqqani’s and Mansoor Ijaz’s memos , they can yell as loud as they can on Shahadat of Soldiers by America by calling it as “Attack on Sovereignty and National Integrity” but what about these innocent people ? Who get killed every day, and leave the agencies every kid knows who kill them. Where is the inquiry report of Dr Bakir’s death? Where is inquiry report of killing of Hazara Tribe people in Baluchistan? Lahskar e Jhangvi claimed responsibility, and leader of Lashkar e Jhangvi was also arrested on charges of planning bomb blast on Shia Sect Procession but he was released very soon and raised signs of victory. It’s ironic when no one speaks on rapidly growing hold of banned outfits, for which purpose they are being used? Everyone knows who was involved in making these radical outfits .Pakistan Army is operating bravely in tribal areas against extremists and miscreants, but what about extremist miscreants who are active in major cities mostly of Punjab? Then we talk about foreign allegations related to producing terrorism, when thousands of people gather on a call of banned outfit in major cities and chant slogans against India, America and after this they decorate cities with banners spreading hatred against other sects then what whole world will say about us? So all we can do is , we can follow Quaid’s philosophy and “Unity , Faith and Discipline” , As long as we act like hypocrites and conduct operations against selective people and support selective groups for political goal scorings we cannot achieve anything but destruction.
Syed Foaad Hassan
Bureau Chief (Weekly Education Informer)

Wednesday 4 January 2012

2011 A year for Extremists

Syed Foaad Hassan
Last year (2011) was kind of year of extremism in Pakistan as past few years but in 2011 some really thought provoking incidents took place and growing extremism in our society is strengthening its roots in Educational Institutes too . Many cases of blasphemy law were lodged against little kids on spelling errors or for having minority background, Police registered cases under the blasphemy laws against a student and his father in Khushab and a headmaster in Gujrat, all three of them belong to a minority sect, A student at the Sir Syed Girls High School in Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) colony Havelian, accused of blasphemy for erroneously misspelling a word in an Urdu exam while answering a question on a poem written in praise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and some more incidents too but major incident of 2011 was murder of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and hatred among Mullahs and various religious parties against those who were speaking against self-confessed murderer  of Salman Taseer , Favorists of Mumtaz Qadri (self-confessed murderer of Salman Taseer) organized rallies in whole country and defended the murderer , This hatred started a new discussion among masses and then people who tried to favor Taseer were threatened and forced by favorists of Qadri. So after Two major sectarian differences that are commonly discussed in schools and colleges another religious difference caught us and it was Pro-Qadri and Anti Qadri and children asks questions about murder after they discuss  about this issue in school , parents are afraid of telling their children that you have to condemn murder because they are afraid of reaction of extremists because in Pakistan now extremists are majority and liberals and moderates are minority and in Pakistani democracy , Majority is like Zeus of Minorities and for those who think in a different way so they have to bow to masters . This issue was not over when Minister for Minorities affairs Mr Shahbaz Bhatti was gunned down in Islamabad and same discussions started again, Few people condemned this too but majority of Mullahs , Religious parties did not even condemn this act of barbarism . Why we have such extremist mind set in our society and now this extremism is diffusing into educational Institutes of Pakistan, Recently a student of COMSATS University Lahore was forced to quit and officials were forced by protesting students in campus to struck off this student , she belong to a minority sect and blasphemy charges were lodged against her too. Atleast educational institutes could be made secular so that children from any background, religious cast and sect can study and serve Pakistan. Incidents of Punjab University when a religious group attacks another group of students who belong to different sect threaten future generation and is a sign of Lack of Moral Courage among society, Parents, Teachers and Government should jointly ponder upon this situation and can teach Morality.
Syed Foaad Hassan
Bureau Chief Lahore
Weekly "Education Informer"

2011 A year for Extremists

Syed Foaad Hassan
Last year (2011) was kind of year of extremism in Pakistan as past few years but in 2011 some really thought provoking incidents took place and growing extremism in our society is strengthening its roots in Educational Institutes too . Many cases of blasphemy law were lodged against little kids on spelling errors or for having minority background, Police registered cases under the blasphemy laws against a student and his father in Khushab and a headmaster in Gujrat, all three of them belong to a minority sect, A student at the Sir Syed Girls High School in Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) colony Havelian, accused of blasphemy for erroneously misspelling a word in an Urdu exam while answering a question on a poem written in praise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and some more incidents too but major incident of 2011 was murder of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and hatred among Mullahs and various religious parties against those who were speaking against self-confessed murderer  of Salman Taseer , Favorists of Mumtaz Qadri (self-confessed murderer of Salman Taseer) organized rallies in whole country and defended the murderer , This hatred started a new discussion among masses and then people who tried to favor Taseer were threatened and forced by favorists of Qadri. So after Two major sectarian differences that are commonly discussed in schools and colleges another religious difference caught us and it was Pro-Qadri and Anti Qadri and children asks questions about murder after they discuss  about this issue in school , parents are afraid of telling their children that you have to condemn murder because they are afraid of reaction of extremists because in Pakistan now extremists are majority and liberals and moderates are minority and in Pakistani democracy , Majority is like Zeus of Minorities and for those who think in a different way so they have to bow to masters . This issue was not over when Minister for Minorities affairs Mr Shahbaz Bhatti was gunned down in Islamabad and same discussions started again, Few people condemned this too but majority of Mullahs , Religious parties did not even condemn this act of barbarism . Why we have such extremist mind set in our society and now this extremism is diffusing into educational Institutes of Pakistan, Recently a student of COMSATS University Lahore was forced to quit and officials were forced by protesting students in campus to struck off this student , she belong to a minority sect and blasphemy charges were lodged against her too. Atleast educational institutes could be made secular so that children from any background, religious cast and sect can study and serve Pakistan. Incidents of Punjab University when a religious group attacks another group of students who belong to different sect threaten future generation and is a sign of Lack of Moral Courage among society, Parents, Teachers and Government should jointly ponder upon this situation and can teach Morality.

2011 A year for Extremists

Last year (2011) was kind of year of extremism in Pakistan as past few years but in 2011 some really thought provoking incidents took place and growing extremism in our society is strengthening its roots in Educational Institutes too . Many cases of blasphemy law were lodged against little kids on spelling errors or for having minority background, Police registered cases under the blasphemy laws against a student and his father in Khushab and a headmaster in Gujrat, all three of them belong to a minority sect, A student at the Sir Syed Girls High School in Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) colony Havelian, accused of blasphemy for erroneously misspelling a word in an Urdu exam while answering a question on a poem written in praise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and some more incidents too but major incident of 2011 was murder of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and hatred among Mullahs and various religious parties against those who were speaking against self-confessed murderer  of Salman Taseer , Favorists of Mumtaz Qadri (self-confessed murderer of Salman Taseer) organized rallies in whole country and defended the murderer , This hatred started a new discussion among masses and then people who tried to favor Taseer were threatened and forced by favorists of Qadri. So after Two major sectarian differences that are commonly discussed in schools and colleges another religious difference caught us and it was Pro-Qadri and Anti Qadri and children asks questions about murder after they discuss  about this issue in school , parents are afraid of telling their children that you have to condemn murder because they are afraid of reaction of extremists because in Pakistan now extremists are majority and liberals and moderates are minority and in Pakistani democracy , Majority is like Zeus of Minorities and for those who think in a different way so they have to bow to masters . This issue was not over when Minister for Minorities affairs Mr Shahbaz Bhatti was gunned down in Islamabad and same discussions started again, Few people condemned this too but majority of Mullahs , Religious parties did not even condemn this act of barbarism . Why we have such extremist mind set in our society and now this extremism is diffusing into educational Institutes of Pakistan, Recently a student of COMSATS University Lahore was forced to quit and officials were forced by protesting students in campus to struck off this student , she belong to a minority sect and blasphemy charges were lodged against her too. Atleast educational institutes could be made secular so that children from any background, religious cast and sect can study and serve Pakistan. Incidents of Punjab University when a religious group attacks another group of students who belong to different sect threaten future generation and is a sign of Lack of Moral Courage among society, Parents, Teachers and Government should jointly ponder upon this situation and can teach Morality.
Syed Foaad Hassan
Bureau Chief Lahore
 "Weekly Education Informer"

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Callous Leaders and Nation

We are spending billions of Rupees in campaigns for conventions in Lahore and Yesterday , Father of two committed suicide in front of Parliament lodges Islamabad , Newspapers did not give proper coverage to death of a common man , because he was just a common man , He did not belong to Bhutto family , He was not as  rich and under corruption charges like Monis Elahi , He was not Chief Minister of Punjab chanting slogans against President neither he was Raja Riaz responding to accusations of Chief Minister Punjab . A man who have two kids and if he cannot feed them once in a day and if he is unemployed then what he is supposed to do ? Suicide cannot be justified , but No one can dare to burn himself even having to children for which he is very concerned . But Authorities and responsible and even Nation is busy in hanging banners and placing billboards for their beloved Mr Imran Khan and PML (n)'s Convention , Does any leader expressed sorrow for that poor man or his children ? What these callous leaders will do in future if they can't care now , why we are running behind them . Is this the matter of fun for us ? . I feel ashamed sometimes being part of this Nation , We write , we speak , We protest for every non-issue but never for a common person . Everyone will argue that he was psychiatric case , he shouldn't kill himself , But just imagine if you were in his boots , When you can't feed your children , you don't have job , No one even your MNA whom you elected not even listen to you then What will you do ? Killing yourself is not a good option but he set an example for all of us by not robbing a bank , kidnapped anyone for ransom , not praising someone to earn extra money and by stealing millions of Rupees from NICL instead he gave priority to kill himself . I hope someone should take notice for his children and family but , We should be ashamed and especially Tehreek e Insaaf and PML (n) who spent billion of rupees in campaign for their conventions but not spent a penny on hungry children and unemployed people of Pakistan who can't even feed their children.